When you commit certain driving offenses, amass too many points on your license, or even fail to pay your child support on time, a court or the Department of Motor Vehicles could suspend your driver’s license. It can be disruptive having to depend on others, public transportation, or rideshare services to get where you need to go.
If you are eligible, a Chesapeake license suspension lawyer can help you obtain a restricted license that lets you drive to school or work. If you are not eligible for a restricted license, a traffic attorney can ensure you are completing the required tasks while the suspension is in effect so that you are ready to apply for license reinstatement as soon as your period of suspension is up.
A driver’s license suspension is a potential punishment for many crimes and a tool the courts can use to force people to obey specific court orders. Avoiding a license suspension is often possible if an experienced Chesapeake attorney handles the original criminal matter.
When a driver is stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence, their driver’s license is suspended immediately. The length of this administrative suspension depends on whether the driver has previous convictions for driving while impaired.
When someone is convicted of drunk driving or crimes related to driving while impaired, the court can impose a license suspension or revocation in addition to other penalties.
License suspension or revocation is a potential penalty after a conviction for reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, eluding the police, and other moving violations.
Virginia Code § 46.2-472 requires anyone registering a vehicle to have liability insurance or pay an uninsured motorist fee. A driver without insurance who did not pay the fee can face a driver’s license suspension.
Driver’s license suspension is one of the tools a court can use to force a parent to pay child support arrears.
If you were in a vehicle accident and an injured driver got a judgment against you, you must pay the judgment or risk suspension of your driver’s license.
The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) puts points on your license for every conviction for a moving violation. If a driver amasses 18 points in one year or 24 points in two years, the DMV suspends the driver’s license for 90 days.
The DMV can suspend your license if it receives a report that you have an illness or condition that could make it dangerous for you to operate a vehicle. Specifically, a report that you suffered a seizure or blackout will result in a six-month driver’s license suspension. Your license also might be suspended if you fail a vision test or a doctor reports that your vision is impaired and you cannot drive safely.
If you intend to reinstate your license, you must obtain a compliance summary statement from the DMV, available online or at a DMV office. The statement describes the tasks you must complete before you are eligible for license reinstatement. These vary depending on numerous factors, including your driving record and the reason for the suspension. If failure to pay child support or an accident-related civil judgment led to the suspension, you must pay those obligations in full before you will be eligible for license reinstatement.
You will be required to pay a license reinstatement fee. There are different fees depending on why your license was suspended. You must show proof that you completed an approved driver improvement course if a court ordered you to take it. If your license was suspended for more than a year and in some other cases, the DMV may require you to re-take the driving test—both the written and skills test portions.
You could be eligible to get a restricted license allowing you to drive to work, school, and medical appointments even before your license suspension period is up. Speak with a Chesapeake lawyer about whether seeking a restricted license could be an option in your case.
The best way to deal with a suspended driver’s license is to avoid suspension in the first place. A local attorney with experience defending people against criminal traffic charges can help you preserve your driving privileges in many cases.
A Chesapeake license suspension lawyer can help you seek a restricted license or license reinstatement. Call today to speak with a knowledgeable attorney.
With an office near Town Center, Virginia Beach and a second location beside the Chesapeake courthouse, our team provides quality legal representation across the entire Hampton Roads Area.
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