i Second-Offense DWI in Elizabeth City | Repeat Drunk Driving Case

Second-Offense DWI in Elizabeth City

North Carolina has strict penalties for driving while intoxicated (DWI), especially for second and subsequent offenses. Driving with a blood alcohol content of .08 or more exceeds the legal limit.

If you were arrested for drunk driving, you need an aggressive defense attorney on your side. A second-offense DWI in Elizabeth City can carry significant penalties and puts you at risk of losing your license and other privileges. Our legal team is prepared to develop an effective defense strategy to help mitigate the consequences.

Criminal Penalties for a Second-Offense DWI

The criminal penalties for a DWI conviction depend on the accused’s prior driving while impaired convictions and other relevant factors. While someone charged with a first-time DWI might face a minor penalty, for second and subsequent convictions in Elizabeth City, the consequences may be more serious.

For a first offense, the penalties for a DWI might include a 12-month license suspension, fines of up to $200, court costs and fees, probation for up to two years, and jail time. For second offenses, the criminal penalties can increase significantly. A second DWI conviction is charged as a Level 2 or 3 misdemeanor. It can carry a one-year license suspension, fines up to $2,000, court expenses and fees, probation, and a prison sentence of seven days to one year. Likewise, the court may issue administrative penalties to address the defendant’s drinking problem and to prevent future harm.

Administrative Penalties

Someone caught driving while impaired can be subject to administrative penalties in addition to criminal ones. For instance, for second DWI convictions, the court may order an assessment of the defendant’s alcohol and drug use, mandatory alcohol or drug treatment, installation of an ignition interlock device in their vehicle, and a license suspension of one year or more. To avoid the serious criminal and administrative penalties associated with a conviction for driving while impaired, contact a lawyer.

License Reinstatement

Those subject to a license revocation after a second DWI conviction in Elizabeth City may be able to have their driving privileges restored after four years have passed. The North Carolina Department of Transportation may conditionally reinstate a driver’s license when it has been revoked for two full years, the driver has had no subsequent alcohol related offenses, and they are not using any drugs or alcohol.

At Parks Zeigler, our attorneys understand the impact of having a license revoked, as it limits your ability to commute to work, school, and other obligations. We will advocate for your license reinstatement if you qualify.

Hire an Elizabeth City Attorney After a Second-Offense DWI

If you are facing a second-offense DWI in Elizabeth City, get in touch with a criminal defense attorney right away. When you consult an attorney early on, they can get started on your case and develop a defense immediately.

With DWI cases, it may be possible to negotiate with prosecutors to mitigate the consequences of a conviction. To discuss the circumstances of your case with an experienced lawyer, schedule a case evaluation today.

Areas We Serve

Centrally located on the waterfront in downtown Elizabeth City, our team provides quality legal representation across the following counties in the Northeast North Carolina region.

  • Camden County
  • Gates County
  • Chowan County
  • Pasquotank County
  • Currituck County
  • Perquimans County
  • Dare County

Also serving only criminal and traffic cases in the following counties:

  • Beaufort County
  • Tyrrell County
  • Martin County
  • Washington County

Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law

Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law N/a
4768 Euclid Road,
Suite 103

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
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524 Albemarle Drive,
Suite 200

Chesapeake, Virginia 23322
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200 N. Water Street,
Suite 2A

Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Map & Directions