When you are charged with a criminal defense, you have the right to an attorney. Your choice of legal counsel can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your case. When you rely on a North Carolina criminal defense attorney, you can get the best possible outcome.
Having the right attorney by your side can provide invaluable peace of mind. From developing a defense strategy to answering your legal questions, our firm can help you every step of the way.
Hiring a defense attorney is vital when you are concerned about the outcome of your criminal case. Acting as your own attorney increases the risk of conviction, especially due to errors that were entirely avoidable. A criminal defense attorney in North Carolina can help you right your charges in more than one way.
Your attorney can investigate the charges against you and develop the strongest possible defense strategy. Every case is different, and every criminal charge has its own potential defense strategies. An attorney can weigh the facts and determine the appropriate approach in these cases.
An attorney can also answer questions and provide clear guidance on your case through a basic understanding of the criminal process and specific advice on how to proceed with the case at hand.
Having an attorney means never having to deal directly with the prosecutor. An attorney can appear in court on behalf of the accused and also field plea bargain offers from the state. This allows a person charged with a crime to focus on their life instead of the charges they are facing.
The key to beating criminal charges is finding the right defense strategy. Of course, there are many potential strategies. Some of these approaches will only work in certain cases. A criminal defense lawyer in North Carolina can identify the best possible defense strategy under the circumstances. Some common defenses include:
The simplest defense in a criminal case is based on the lack of evidence. Prosecutors have an obligation to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Often, the strongest defense strategy involves showing the state did not meet this burden.
Claims of self-defense are viable in a wide range of cases. Usually, an attorney raises this defense in a case where a person has been charged with an act of physical violence. While assaulting another person is generally against the law, the use of force is not a crime when it is necessary for a person to defend themselves from imminent harm.
When you have been charged with a criminal offense, now is the right time to seek an attorney. You can defend yourself against these charges, and a favorable outcome is possible. Choosing the right defense strategy is crucial. Parks Zeigler, PLLC, is ready to protect your rights and future. Reach out to our North Carolina criminal defense lawyers as soon as possible to get started.
Centrally located on the waterfront in downtown Elizabeth City, our team provides quality legal representation across the following counties in the Northeast North Carolina region.
Also serving only criminal and traffic cases in the following counties:
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law